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Laura Morse
Recruiting Assistant
Get to know Laura

Since 2001 Laura has worked with The Alpha Group in various roles. Using her background in customer service and administrative support Laura makes clients and candidates feel welcomed immediately. It’s not just her work experience that benefit The Alpha Group and our customers, it’s also Laura’s positive attitude and ability to jump in and help wherever she’s needed.

Recently she transitioned into more of a recruiting role and has really enjoyed the rewarding feeling of helping applicants find new job opportunities. Another aspect of the job that Laura enjoys is that every day is something new! No two candidates, clients, or projects are ever the same so you never know what to expect.

When not at work, you can find Laura relaxing with her fiancé and adorable cat Tina. She enjoys watching movies, hanging with friends and family, or going for a walks in the great outdoors.

Laura’s favorite quote to live by is, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein


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